Self-care: 10 things you can do today to improve your mood

Recently, there's been a lot of talk surrounding self-care and body positivity in relation to mental health. If you were to ask most people, the thing they would most likely say they want to achieve in life is happiness. Well, I'm not exactly an expert on that and I can't really say confidently that I've experienced much true happiness as of late.

This can be attributed to a couple of things probably - uni deadlines and the fear of 4th year looming just round the corner. The fact that I'm going through a slight mid-life crisis and my personal life hasn't been the best recently. Not to mention I'm a perpetual daydreamer who can never concentrate on the task at hand so I'm always feeling stressed about loads of things I've yet to do. Or is it maybe cause I'm always skint and day-dreaming about the bouje lifestyle I really want to be living? It could be all of these and many more reasons why I've not been feeling totally amazing lately. Although, I do have a few wee things I do, that are simple and easy which anyone can do and it will improve your mood and give you a boost.

At the bottom of this post, I've left links to some websites you might find useful if you're feeling a bit down and want some advice 🌞

Image source:Affinity Magazine

1. SLEEP - I know every single DR/health guru will tell you this but a good sleep is so good for improving your mood and setting you up for a good day. I can vouch for this 100%! Anyone who knows me knows that sometimes I sleep terribly and it affects me all day and has a knock on effect on everything, from my productivity to my concentration to me just being all round grumpy. Nat good for anyone!

2. Drink water - another thing that all health experts say to do is to drink around 2 litres of water per day in order to keep properly hydrated. I drink a lot of water and have found that keeping myself hydrated throughout the day keeps me more alert and just feeling better in general.

3. Tidy up - when my room is tidy and orderly, I feel like my life is a lot more together than it actually is. Something about tidying my room clears my head and makes me feel more organised.

4. Organisation - I find organisation really good for sorting out my head whenever I'm feeling a bit anxious or overwhelmed. Organising what I need and writing down what I've to do for the day or the week ahead helps me to feel a bit more put together and less stressed. This then brings me on to number 5 which is...

5. LISTS - I dunno about you but I love a good list. I literally write lists upon lists. I write a list to remind myself to make another list later. It's so handy for remembering stuff on the go so you don't forget a wee idea or something important you need to do. I always usually keep a wee notepad and pen in my bag for all my lists, or I use the notes section on my phone which is really useful for when you're on the go or in a rush. I find that making lists helps clear my head and de-stresses me a lot.

6. Me time - as mentioned in my previous post, I think it's really important to make time for yourself on a regular basis. Especially when you've had a pure busy day at uni or work and you've been on the go all day. One of the ways I like to wind down and de-stress at the end of the day is have a bit of time away from my phone. I like to just sit and watch a TV program or a good film on my own, when my phone is on do not disturb across the other side of the room out of sight. Not having distracting notifications or the temptation to pointlessly scroll through social media can have a surprisingly positive effect on your mood. Try it.

7. Dogs - honestly, who doesn't love dogs? They are probably the most pure creatures on this earth and we don't deserve them. Just seeing a cute dog in the street is enough to get me all giddy and excited. If you don't have a dog (like me :((() spending time with a friend/family member walking and playing with their dog is a sure quick way to boost your mood.

8. Eat your favourite food - As I LIVE for food, anything related to food makes me happy. Whenever I'm feeling a bit down, making my favourite meal/eating food that I really enjoy always makes me feel better.

9. Talk to someone - This doesn't have to be an in-depth emotional conversation about your feelings with someone when you're feeling down. Talking with someone you're close to about anything on a daily basis is important, because interacting with people helps you feel more connected and happier.

10. Have a greet - For me this works EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I honestly think I've cried more times than I've had hot dinners. It's the best form of therapy, and it's totally okay to do it whenever you feel like it. If I haven't cried in a while, I'll put on a film I know is gonna make me emotional, and I just let it all out.

Mind - for better mental health

Women's Health article



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