3 ways to be a morning person when you hate mornings

I think I can say I'm the worst person for getting up in the morning and I'm the total opposite to a morning person that you'll ever meet. I'm a sleepy gal who loves long lies who repeatedly snoozes her 10 alarms she's got set and still manages to fall back asleep and be late most mornings. I've fully accepted that this is just who I am and that I'm never gonna be jumping out of bed in the morning to make a healthy breakfast and that I will 100% always be doing my make up on the train unless I'm starting work/uni after 12pm (or most likely 1pm). Through trial and error and many regrets of late nights and not enough sleep, I've learned what works for me and what motivates me to get up on time.

Image source: Notey.com

Play an upbeat song/playlist

This might sound a bit daft to some people, but it honestly works a treat. The last thing you want when you've just woke up and you dunno what time/day it is to blast some tunes. It will certainly wake you up properly, and set you up in a good mood for the day. It depends on what mood I'm in but I usually like to play some funky house/techno/disco classics. Here are a couple of my favourite tunes that get me going for the day:

Nasty - Janet Jackson
Coma Cat - Tensnake
My Feeling - Junior Jack
Silver Bed - Red Axes 
Time to Pretend - MGMT

Place the alarm across the room

A good tip if you're a perpetual alarm snoozer like me is to put your alarm at the other side of the room out of reach from your bed. For most people they will use their phone as an alarm. I often can't sleep properly at night because I've been scrolling on my phone before bed and using it before bed disturbs you when you're trying to shut off. So it is better for most people if your phone is on silent and out of reach. If it's blaring at you from across the room at half 6 in the morning, you are definitely gonna get up first time round and switch it off, and there you go you're out of bed!

Get organised the night before

This is a really good step to take if you're really lazy in the mornings like me. I find organising most things at night means I can spend as much time in bed as possible (yassss) and I'm less stressed as I'm not rushing about trying to find things. I usually keep my room really tidy and orderly, and if I need to pack stuff for work/uni I do it the night before so I don't forget anything when I'm half asleep. Finally, I usually like to have my bath the night before if I need to get up early the next day. It saves me so much time in the morning as all I have to do when I wake up is my skincare routine, brush my teeth and get dressed.

It's important to take care of yourself. I hope these tips help you somewhat if you're like me and love your bed too much and can help make your mornings that wee bit more bearable.


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